The refrigerator compressor causes a breakdown

The compressor is the most important part of the refrigerator, without which its operation is impossible. The main function of the compressor is to compress and move refrigerant vapors in refrigeration units.


Refrigerator compressors are divided into several types:


  1. Piston compressor
  2. Rotary (screw) compressor
  3. Inverter compressor
  4. Linear compressor
  5. Oil-free compressor
  6. Electrogazodinamichesky compressor


Today in refrigerators the last two types of compressors are used very rarely.



There are many reasons why the refrigerator compressor can fail, we will talk about the most basic and frequent.


  1. The compressor failed due to improper operation of the refrigerator.

In most cases, compressor breakdowns occur due to improper operation of the household appliance. The refrigerator is installed in a room near heating appliances, or, conversely, in winter it works in an unheated room. Overloading the refrigerator will also adversely affect the operation of the compressor. Untimely maintenance and improper care.


  1. The compressor failed due to improper installation.

The reason for the non-working compressor may be its incorrect installation. What does this mean? It means that when replacing/installing the system was vacuumed, or it was done poorly, using a tool not suitable for this task. In this situation, both water and air remain in the system, which leads to a short circuit in the motor winding.

If the master did not correctly connect the tubes through which freon circulates, this will also lead to a breakdown of the compressor. And all for the reason that over time, freon will leak and the compressor will malfunction.

When soldering pipes, the master must also be careful that solder particles and chips are not in the tube.


  1. The compressor failed due to a factory defect.

Not very often, but still, it may be that the breakdown of the compressor is due to a manufacturing defect. This can happen with equipment of dubious production and quality.


  1. Compressor breakdown due to the use of low-quality components.

In the manufacture of compressors, manufacturers use various kinds of components. So if money was saved on this, the compressor will not work for a long time.


  1. The winding in the compressor is burned out


  1. The starting relay has become unusable


  1. The compressor has stuck valves, and it simply cannot perform its functions.


  1. There was a failure in the electronic control board.




It should be understood that the refrigerator is a complex household appliance, which in its configuration has many different complex spare parts that ensure its operation. In addition, the refrigerator is a device that costs money. If you find a problem in the operation of the refrigerator compressor, we do not recommend that you take on the repair yourself. After all, for this, you need to have special knowledge, skills, and tools. It is best to turn to specialists for help. You can call the master home or take the device to the Appliance Repair Company San Diego. In any of these cases, diagnostics will first be carried out to understand what the problem is and how to fix it.


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