7 main refrigerator breakdowns

Refrigerators from different manufacturers have different malfunctions. But in general, the main breakdowns of any brand refrigerator can be lumped into a list of 7 different malfunctions. HOME APPLIANCE SERVICE CENTER has provided the top causes in the list of malfunctions.   Refrigerator compartment of the refrigerator does not cool Causes of fridge malfunction:   […]

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How to connect the washing machine with your own hands

The main thing is to read the instructions beforehand. Conventionally, the entire process can be divided into the following stages:   determining the location of the machine. Even installation of the unit on the level, and preparation of the floor covering. Connection to the sewage system and water supply. Connection to the mains. Check that […]

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Adjusting the optimum temperature in your refrigerator

Properly adjusting the temperature in the refrigerator is important because different foods have the longest shelf life at different temperatures. It all depends on the product category, whether it is semi-finished goods or something fresh, meat, vegetables, cheeses or dairy products. Let’s take a closer look at what temperature to set in the fridge.   […]

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Why the fridge bangs

Individual parts malfunction Besides the incorrect installation and other easily correctable problems, the knocking or clicking noises in the refrigerator can signal about malfunction of its completing elements.   And though the leader of breakages is recognized as the worn-out compressor, the source of strange sounds can be also other parts of the refrigerator. Let’s […]

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How to choose a dishwasher

A dishwasher, like a refrigerator, washing machine, or other appliance, is not usually bought for a year or two, but for at least the next decade. That’s why it’s important to look at just a few that will fit into your budget, not just any randomly chosen model. Really?   Size and type of installation […]

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Bosch dishwasher error codes

What error code and what steps can I take in my specific situation? Code group #1 – Trouble with water intake/drainage E3 stops the machine when it fails to get water into the chamber within a certain set program within the allotted time period. The latest Bosch models in such a situation first have the […]

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The most common Bosch dishwasher error codes

The latest lines of kitchen appliances of the German concern are equipped with an advanced self-diagnostic system. It monitors the correct operation of the devices, and all error codes of Bosch dishwashers immediately display on the LCD screen in the form of alphanumeric abbreviations. Typical malfunctions, which are considered typical of Bosch units, are indicated […]

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