How To Avoid Mold In Your High-Efficiency Washers

Almost every home now has a high-efficiency (HE) washing machine. You probably went out to buy one as soon as you heard the regaling of the model’s benefits (i.e. less wear-and-tear, lower energy use, larger tubs). These benefits are great. They more than make up for the higher prices. But, these new designed washing machines do come with the need for a little extra TLC. The biggest problem owners of these units have discovered is their proneness for mold. Molds proliferates in damp, humid areas and let’s face it, this more than describes the inside of your washing machine.

Don’t return your new model just yet, if it smells of mildew or just has a stale smell. By using a few simple techniques during your cleaning routine you can eliminate that threat of mildew. Really, the one key point you need to keep in mind is that a dry machine doesn’t grow mold. Here are a few ways that you can ensure a dry washing area after use.

Air it out

After you are done with your washer for the day, leave the door open for air flow. You don’t have to leave it fully open so that dust and grime can sneak in. But, you should leave it slightly open so that the inside tube can dry out completely. This will prevent mold from growing.

Rinse it out

While rinsing an empty machine after you have just washed a load of clothes may seem redundant, rinsing it out at least once a month is not. By running a cycle of clean water through your machine you can wash out any excess residue that may be clinging to your hoses and basin. This residue can increase mold growth. So, removing it will leave you with nothing but a clean machine.

Wash with hot

Some clothes require the use of cold water; there are some that do not. Use warm water during the wash cycle whenever you can. This will help to not only fully rinse the grime from your clothes, but it will help keep your washer fully rinsed as well. Additionally, wash residue along with water softeners can cling within the drum and don’t drain out completely. However, hot water helps to remove all of this from various parts including the soap dispenser, and door gasket.

See it through

Sometimes life gets in the way. You may have started out to wash all the clothes in a day. But, that may not happen. However, try to finish through a load in a 24 hour period. Even if you don’t have any more time then to simply toss them into the dryer-removing the wet clothes from the washer will reduce your risk of mold. The key should be to never let a load of wet clothes sit in the washer overnight.

HE washers are a great investment. They save time, energy, and in the long run money. Just like any other new appliance though, they need some upkeep. If you regularly see to this upkeep of your new unit you will never have a problem with mold in your machine.

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