Six Fridge Maintenance Tips And Tricks You Should Put Into Practice

Your fridge is one of the most necessary and important piece of electronic equipment in your house these days and without it, your life wouldn’t be that beautiful and convenient. That is why you should take good care of it on a regular basis. Periodic fridge maintenance will not only prevent you from spending a lot of money on repairs or parts replacement, but it will also prolong the lifespan of your beloved appliance as well.

Also, a few maintenance tasks won’t take long and they can be done by anyone at anytime. If you want to enjoy your fridge for a very long period of time and feast on delicious, fresh foods every day, here are a couple of maintenance operations you should perform on a regular basis.

1. Clean the interior of your fridge.

Food remains, food containers and other similar things can accumulate inside your fridge and they might facilitate the development of mould, mildew, bacteria and other impurities. Obviously, you don’t want such bad things in your fridge and you can get rid of them by periodically cleaning the inside of your electronic equipment. You should perform this operation at least once every 10 days and you can start by taking out all the foods and beverages from your fridge.

Afterwards, make use of warm water and soap or a basic cleaning product in order to thoroughly clean the interior of your fridge. Make sure that you unplug it from the power outlet first and once you are finished, you dry your fridge with a clean towel, before putting the foods and beverages back inside.

2. Clean the exterior of your fridge.

It too can get quite dirty in the long run and it will ruin the design of your kitchen, especially if big, nasty stains and spots appear on the fridge door. To prevent this, make sure that you clean any spills or drops immediately and you also use warm water and a mild cleaning product in order to remove even the most stubborn and ugly stains and spots from the door of your fridge.

3. Clean the door sealant.

The sealant on your fridge door is actually more important than you might think. This rubber gasket will make sure that the temperature remains constant in your fridge and it will prevent food odours from escaping your electronic device too. Therefore, make sure that you clean it thoroughly from time to time using the same tools used to clean the inside and outside of your fridge and your appliance will remain in a top condition for a long period of time.

4. Get rid of nasty odours using baking soda.

Believe it or not, baking soda is one of the most practical ingredients you can have in your kitchen and it can be used with great success in order to eliminate nasty smells from your car, your sofa and even from your fridge too. What you have to do is to put a small quantity of baking soda on a plate and leave it on the fridge for a couple of days. It will absorb the nasty odours and it will completely refresh your fridge.

5. You can also use lemon extract too.

In a similar fashion, lemon extract can work wonders as well if you have a fridge that smells bad. All that you have to do is to place a couple of drops of lemon extract on a cotton ball and put it in the fridge for a certain amount of time. It will completely deodorize your fridge and it will give it a fresh, pleasant smell. This trick can also be done using orange extract too.

6. Defrost your fridge whenever it is necessary.

After a prolonged period of usage, the fridge might accumulate chunks of ice of different sizes inside, especially on the back wall. This is not a good thing as these chunks of ice can prevent your fridge from working properly and from cooling down your foods correctly. Make sure that you periodically inspect your fridge (once every week is fine) and you get rid of the ice that accumulates on the back wall of your fridge. You can eliminate this ice by taking out all the foods in your fridge, unplug it from the power outlet and leave it open for a few hours, until the ice melts completely.

These are a couple of maintenance tasks that every homeowner should perform in order to enjoy a clean and functional fridge for many years from now on! By the way, if you have other problems with your fridge which are more serious and which require immediate attention then don’t hesitate to contact our specialists. We have a lot of experience in any types of house appliances repairing and we offer our services at very affordable rates.

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