Troubleshooting Your Gas Grill- Can It Be Fixed Or Needs Replacement?

Every year, barbecue season comes a-knocking and for you, it is time to whip out the grill and make yourself and your guests a nice meal to catch up over. However, eventually the time will come where you’ll be checking on your grill at the start of the season and find that it is no longer in the best of conditions. Maybe it has started to rust or it won’t even light anymore – so what to do? Can you fix it yourself? Do you call in a repairman? Or should you replace it altogether?

To answer these questions for you, we have put together a handy guide that is easy to navigate and will give you an idea of how to fix your problems.

Problems you can fix by yourself include dirty and rusty grates which you can easily clean with a grill brush, or in more intense cases, with a bit of vegetable oil, and if that doesn’t help, you can soak your grate in a solution of vinegar and baking soda. Either way, you’ll be able to handle this yourself. Just like you can handle some peeling paint by using grill paint to keep it pretty. Afterward, you should consider regular maintenance to keep the paint intact for longer.

It is time to call in an appliance repairman in San Diego County when you notice your igniters are broken. Yes, you read that right. Using excessive techniques such as turning up the gas and tossing in a match to get your grill going is not the way to go. That could lead to serious injuries that may end up with a visit to the ER. And in case of a broken burner, you should start by checking your warranty since broken burners are often covered for quite a long time. And if the worst case scenario happens and you start smelling gas, you need to immediately stop your usage and check the gas lines and regulators. If they’re not tightly connected, fix it, but if they are, call in an expert right away. None of these should be issues you tackle by yourself.

The time for replacement has come when your grill starts having trouble with heat distribution. Oftentimes, this means the firebox has rusted through which lets the heat out. A cracked drip pan is also not something that can just be fixed by some aluminum foil like many suggest. If grease starts accumulating in those, you could quickly have a grease fire on your hands.

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