Variety of sub-zero refrigerator noises

Sometimes you may hear suspicious loud noises coming from the refrigerator that you haven’t heard before. These noises can come from different modules. The main thing is to understand that this noise appeared as a result of the breakage and not the stable operation of the household appliance.


It is also worth considering the fact that each specific model may have its own specific noises that cannot be found in other devices. This is due to the design features of different devices and their functionality.


It is necessary to understand that in serviceable equipment you can hear a quiet hum from the compressor. In this case, we are talking about a strong noise, which can be identified as a powerful hum.


Because of tightened shipping bolts. They hold the compressor in place during shipping. If they are not removed, the motor will start making a strong hum when starting.


Due to improper installation. The refrigerator begins to “growl”, both on high notes and low notes if it is bent to one side. In this position, the compressor is skewed and begins to hum.


In some cases, the hum can be caused by a clogged refrigerant tube or an overdose of freon, after repairs have been made. The compressor cannot run the refrigerant through the system in its entirety, resulting in an increased load on the motor. A hum occurs.


In general, buzzing at the first start is normal. The compressor works at full speed to disperse freon and create working pressure throughout the system. Because of this you hear an increased hum, some people think it resembles a “mooing”.


These sounds can also be considered standard if they are heard from the very beginning of the refrigerator operation. They most often occur when the thermostat is turned off or off, or after a freezing cycle. Cracks and clicks are made of plastic and sometimes metal parts of the case.


However, these sounds can also indicate the breakdown of the device:


When the thermostat malfunctions. Relay clicks are heard, but the compressor does not start.


If the compressor is broken. A short click is followed by the start of the motor, which immediately stops. Light in the chambers is on.

Blown the starter relay. Repeated clicking sounds in complete silence. The motor won’t start, lights are on.


Sometimes the clicking occurs when the motor stops. In this case, the problem may come from the compressor mounts. They develop, and the motor hits the walls against the refrigerator body.


Another cause of clicks is voltage spikes. Because of them, the protection automatics are triggered and the starting protection relay may activate. It will make a sound.


Most often this sound signals some problem. It can be an unclosed door or loading too much food, which heats up the numbers from the inside.


Sometimes the squeak has its own “rhythmic tone”. For example, in short segments or a lingering sound. The decoding of the signals should be described in the owner’s manual or on the official website of the manufacturer.


Rarely, you can hear a quiet high-frequency squeak, turning into a whistle, which comes from the back of the refrigerator. It is most likely produced by a bloated capacitor in the compressor starting circuit. This sound is a precursor to a more serious problem. Therefore, it should be considered a prerequisite for diagnosis and repair.



In general, gurgling indicates the proper operation of the refrigerator. But if at the same time, the compressor is silent, most likely there is a breakdown in the freon tube in the device. Therefore it is heard as air with the rest of the refrigerant gurgles, sometimes the process is accompanied by not loud popping and crackling.



Gritting and creaking are characteristic of models with the “No Frost” function. In this case, there is a failure in the defrosting system. Frost forms inside the device. The built-in fan clings to the ice edges with its blades and a characteristic rattle occurs.


Rattling and ringing

Most often, the cause of strange sounds is badly tightened bolts fixing the parts inside the refrigerator case. The rattling, ringing, crackling, crunching, and roaring can be both the compressor and various plastic parts. For the elimination of noises, it is possible to try to establish the technics on a level. The cause of rattling can be hidden in the misalignment of the device or its location against other furniture.



When stopping the motor on loose mounts and shock absorbers, you may hear a single or series of knocks. It is caused by the motor repeatedly hitting the walls of the refrigerator.


The best solution is to call a master at home or contact the service center. This calls us, and we will give you the best repair HOME APPLIANCE SERVICE CENTER. With our superior performance, absolute accuracy, extensive knowledge and experience, fast and efficient service, friendly attitude, free maintenance consultation, and after-service warranty, we are proud to say that we are the leading Repair Service Provider in San Diego. Customer satisfaction is our top priority, and we are always committed to what we do. We are open 24/7 a week, on weekends and holidays. Our engineers will come to you 15 minutes after your call in urgent cases. Give us a call, and HOME APPLIANCE SERVICE CENTER will solve any problem.


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