Ways To Ensure A Clean Washing Machine

A washing machine is one of the heaviest used appliances in a home. In a busy home, a washing machine might be used daily. Even if there aren’t many people in a home, the average washing machine is used at least weekly. A washing machine is essential for basic grooming of clothing and making sure clothing and towels and sheets are clean. No one wants to go back to the days of painstakingly washing clothing by hand in a bucket or tub. Not only is it backbreaking, it’s time consuming. The amount of time it would require to do this would not work in most people’s schedules.

It’s important to make sure you keep your washing machine clean. A dirty machine will quickly smell. It’s also possible for a dirty machine to no longer clean properly. If there’s an odor, the smell may be transferred to clothing meaning that even though the fabric might be clean, it may smell unpleasant. This smell can be so unpleasant that not even scented laundry detergents or fabric softeners will have the ability to get rid of the smell. Often the unpleasant smell gets right into the fibers of the fabric.

The drum is one of the main parts of a washing machine and needs to be kept clean. This is the part of the appliance where the laundry gets loaded into. Cleaning the drum needs to be done when there are no clothes in the appliance. You can hand wash the drum with a mixture of vinegar and hot water with a touch of lemon juice to help cover the smell of the vinegar. Or an appropriate washer cleaner will work. Allow the cleaner to sit several minutes after you’ve thoroughly washed the surface of the drum. Then rinse.

Next you’ll want to clean the seal around the door of the washer. This can get very dirty looking, sometimes evens slimy and smelly. Straight vinegar will cut through the grime, or you can use bleach. Rinse so there’s nothing left to eat through the seal and damage it. If you want, call in an appliance repair service in San Diego County to assist you.

Don’t forget to wash out the detergent, fabric softener and bleach compartment. This should be done every couple of days to cut down on the build-up. It takes only a few washes before build up to occur. If there’s significant build up, a simply wipe will not work. You’ll need to remove the tray and soak it in hot water. You may even need to use a small brush, like a dish brush or old toothbrush, to scrub the compartment. To prevent mold, keep the tray open when you’re not using your washer.

Many people don’t realize a washing machine, like a dryer, has a lint trap. This should be cleaned frequently. The difference between a dryer lint trap and a washer lint trap is that the lint trapped in the washer is wet, can mold and potentially smell. Finally, you should run a quick wash cycle with no laundry on the hottest setting after you’ve finished cleaning your washer. This will remove any cleaning residue left behind and it will also help flush the drainage pipes.

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