Will A Specialist Troubleshoot Common Problems of Washer and Dryer?

Appliances tend to break down when you are least expecting it. Should you replace an appliance when it breaks down or can you hire a professional to fix the problem quickly and inexpensively? Before you replace the appliance, it’s great if you could figure out what exactly is wrong with it and try to fix it. Here are some common problems and what you can do about it.

It won’t turn on

This could be something simple but it could be something difficult too. First check the plug in to see if the machine is even receiving any power to it. This could be a faulty outlet, maybe a circuit breaker has tripped, or there could even be a timing issue in the knob. If your washer never gets a break from washing laundry, over time, this could be trouble for the motor that can overheat. When this happens, it tends to just shut down. Allow the motor time to completely cool down. Try again. If this doesn’t work, you will need to contact an appliance repair professional in San Diego County to come in and fix it for you.

Does not spin or tumble

If your machine decides to protest in the middle of a wash, you are probably going to panic, but don’t worry. If the washer shuts off and won’t spin out the water, chances are the belt is either loose or broken. If the belt is the problem, you will also hear a motor humming or running but nothing happens.

The door doesn’t close

Sometimes the door won’t shut all the way or it won’t seal good enough for the machine to begin working. When this happens, you may need to replace the seals. A washer also has a transmission and when it doesn’t work completely, it could affect major parts such as the drum rollers, the dryer pulleys or the glides. Sometimes the problem is simple while other times it can be very difficult. If you continue to have problems with the washer and dryer, you may want to have a professional help you by coming to your home and evaluating the machine. Eventually, it will need to be replaced but until then, fix it as long as you can.

However, it is important that you consider the services of an appliance repair professional. They not only know about the intricacies of the appliances,but ensure that they are licensed, insured and bonded. This helps you stay safe from a lawsuit, if there is any accident on your property. You might want to shop and compare the prices and services to ensure you get your money’s worth.

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