What’s the Ideal Temperature for a Refrigerator?

The refrigerator is an integral part of the modern kitchen. Its design and manufacturer can be of any kind, because in this case the content is much more important than the form. It is the refrigerator that you trust the safety of your food and ready meals, the most popular drinks and desserts, fruits and […]

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Fridge Is Freezing Everything. What Does It Mean?

The main task of the refrigerator is to cool, thereby keeping food fresh. if  your fridge suddenly started to freeze more than necessary, the result will be diametrically opposite: the excessive cold will cause the food to freeze. If instead of fresh tomatoes you suddenly found ice-cold tomatoes or something else turned into a snow […]

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Fridge Compressor Runs Non Stop

A refrigerator is a common device, but quite complex and not insured against breakdowns. Some malfunctions are not immediately noticeable. For example, there are cases when the refrigerator does not turn off. The device produces the necessary amount of cold, the food does not spoil, but the motor runs continuously.   If your refrigerator does […]

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