How do dishwashers work?

A dishwasher is one of the most popular household appliances, which is an indispensable assistant in the house. How does this technique work, and in what way is it better than the manual washing of dishes? The dishwasher is a large rectangular tank with a door. Inside the tank is covered with stainless steel and […]

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Dishwasher: important to know

All household chores mainly lie with the hostess of the house. She needs to clean, cook, and wash clothes, and the dirtiest thing is to wash the dishes. And, of course, even the best hostess does not like to do it. And there is no need because today almost all household work is done by […]

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How long can household appliances last?

Using household appliances every day, the question comes to mind: “How long can household appliances work?”. After all, many still have old refrigerators and TVs that work in the country. Yes, it is true, old refrigerators worked without any errors for 40, and sometimes more than 40. But, I’m sorry to tell you, modern household […]

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If the lower heating element in the oven does not work or the upper heating element does not work, then the first step is to check the serviceability of the outlet. The fastest and easiest way to check is to plug in other appliances. If it turns out that the socket is working, then the […]

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Why is the dishwasher leaking?

If there is a puddle under the dishwasher, this is not a reason to panic and get upset. If you find a puddle of water, the first thing to do is unplug the appliance from the mains and cut off the water supply. After that, you should carefully inspect the machine.   If you unplug […]

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Freezing is the main function of a refrigerator. The most frequent reasons why fridge doesn’t freeze and fridge repair is needed   Defrost system in fridge No Frost is defective  The most frequent reason why the fridge does not freeze in fridge No Frost is defrosted system breakage. Because the defrost has failed, ice forms […]

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You have loaded the laundry, started the wash, and almost immediately discovered that the washing machine rotates the drum only in one direction. This problem is noticed only by very observant users, and not the first time. As a rule, the problem is accompanied by a motor error (error code is displayed on the screen), […]

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