Single vs. Dual Compressors for Refrigerators. How to Choose The Right One?

Nowadays, a huge assortment, a lot of the latest design solutions, a variety of shapes and engineering solutions on the market of household appliances does not simplify, but rather complicates the choice of a suitable model of appliance. Compared to 20 or 30 years ago, the situation has changed. What are the main indicators and characteristics of refrigerators, knowledge of which will help you find the right unit that will reliably serve for many years without breakdowns and troubles?

The operation of a refrigerator can be easily identified by the noise it makes: some are loud, others are quiet. This noise comes from the electric motor and the compressor. Without the normal operation of any of these elements, the correct functioning of the entire cooling system is impossible.

What is a compressor for and what functions does it perform?

The cooling process in conventional refrigerators is carried out by passing freon through special freezing tubes.  While evaporating, it takes all the heat from the refrigerating chamber. In order for the process to proceed continuously, freon should be returned to a liquid state in order to be put back through the tubes. This task is entrusted to the compressor, which comes into operation when the temperature in the chamber becomes higher than the permissible one.

Some modern refrigerators use a single compressor that serves both the freezer and the refrigerator. At the same time, you can notice both double and multi-compressor refrigerators, capable of serving each area of ​​the refrigerator separately. This significantly increases the productivity and quality of freezing.

Let’s consider each of the options presented separately in order to understand what are the pros and cons of each of the designs.


Single compressor refrigerators have one compressor serving both the freezer and the refrigerator compartment. As a rule, refrigerators of small dimensions and small displacement belong to this type. It should be understood that a huge load falls on the compressor in such refrigerators, so you should immediately pay attention to the displacement. This will allow you to determine whether the compressor is capable of withstanding such loads and whether its failure will lead to undesirable consequences: self-shutdowns, short circuits, etc. Due to the heavy load on the compressor, the one-compressor refrigerator is quite noisy.


This option is getting more and more popularity in our country due to its reliability, economy and quality. The operation of such a mechanism is based on the presence of two compressor units, each of which performs its own work, providing a given section of the refrigerator with cold. Consequently, one compressor serves the freezer and the other serves the refrigerator. Thus, the owner has the opportunity, if it is necessary, to turn off the supply of cold to a particular area of ​​the refrigerator. This means that you can safely turn off the freezer and wash it, while the refrigerator compartment will work quietly.

Obviously, this design does not mean that a two-compressor refrigerator consumes more electricity than a one-compressor refrigerator. In fact, the total capacity of the two compressors, due to the distribution of energy, is approximately equal to the capacity of a single compressor unit, therefore, the energy consumption of a single- and two-compressor refrigerator is also approximately the same. It is also worth noting that proper load distribution can significantly increase compressor life operation.

Since the load in such refrigerators is evenly distributed between two units, the noise emitted by a unit is much lower than in single-compressor units. This avoids many inconveniences and potential noise-related discomfort. The main and, perhaps, the only disadvantage of such refrigerators is the high cost.


An innovation in the field of refrigeration equipment are units with a magnetic compressor.  The world’s leading companies admit that the future lies precisely with such a design of refrigerators: in the context of a deteriorating environmental situation and the need to save energy, they are becoming more and more environmentally friendly and do not give harmful emissions. In addition, they are among the quietest compressors in the industry.

With high efficiency and environmental friendliness of such refrigerators, their performance is 20-40% higher compared to traditional compressor units, which is a significant advantage.

How to choose the right one?

In addition to the provided points that will help you decide the right refrigerator for you, it is also recommended to take into account your needs and capabilities, the number of people living in apartment, the volume of loads, the stability of the voltage network. All this will allow you to choose the most suitable option that will be able to flawlessly work for many years, saving you from unnecessary worries and breakdowns.

In case, you’ve decided on the type of refrigerator and are looking for a professional installation service.  San Diego Appliance Repair Company is ready to help you with any refrigerator repairs, installations or replacements.

We have you, and your best interest, at heart. We guarantee exceptional customer service and we’re here to help you every step of the way. Whatever your problem – we have your solution. You can rest assured that you’re in good hands with us. Our goal is to take the appliances repair off you and ensure that both customers and clients are being provided the professional service we provide at a affordable price.


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