How To Handle An Electric Stove Problems

The truth is that there are quite a lot of different electric appliances found in your kitchen. Yet, the electric stove remains one of the most integral ones. You are directly dependent on it when it comes to food preparation and that’s why it’s of critical importance for it to work. There are a few different issues that you might come across, if your stove fails to work properly. There are two general steps that you should take into account when your stove doesn’t deliver the necessary heat or it doesn’t work at all. Here is some information that you might be interested in.

Step 1: Check your burner

The first thing that you could do is to check whether the burner is functional or not. This is one of the most important things to consider because if it’s not, you will simply have to get a new one. However, in order to determine whether the burner works, you need to replace it with one that you know is functional. When you do so and the new burner doesn’t work as well then the problem is going to be in the infinite switch or in the burner socket. The connections in the latter can easily burn out and that can lead to a failure in the provision of power. However, if the prongs do look as if they are burned out, you need to inspect the socket. If it fails to perform – you need to replace it.

Step 2: Replacing the switch

Now, as we mentioned above, the next issue might be in the switch. The knob that you turn in order to control the temperature of the burner is capable of being slid over the shaft in order to gain access to the infinite switch. If it has burned out, your burner isn’t going to get any power to it and hence it won’t work. You can test the switch if you’ve already tested the socket and the burner. If the latter still fails to generate the necessary heat, the switch could be the problem. Unplug the range and test the switch using a multi meter. Set the latter to RX-1 and if the reading of it doesn’t change, you have a bad infinite switch. This needs to get replaced in order to bring your burner back to life.

These are the two most common fixes when it comes to your electric burner. However, you need to make sure that whenever you work on something run by electricity, the machine should be unplugged. Your safety should always be your number one priority and that’s something that you need to account for. With plenty of appliance repair companies in San Diego County available to assist you, you need to ensure that you work with the right company. Ensure that it is insured, bonded and licensed so that you get the best service.

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