The power of an induction cooktop

Today the issue of energy saving has become more and more frequent, so the market of modern appliances has become more and more frequent devices that use innovative heating technology for their work. Induction hobs are one of the most popular devices among consumers today because they are economical and safe to use.


Choosing one of the models of an induction cooktop for your kitchen, first of all, you should read the information about its power level. Let’s dwell on this indicator in more detail.


Induction cooktop power levels in kW


The panel operates on an induction high-frequency current, the flows of which create special copper coils that heat the cooking vessel by the magnetic field they create. Control of the cooking process is carried out with the help of an electronic unit built into the panel, which automatically turns it on or off. A distinctive feature of this device is that it affects only the cookware.


The most important parameter of the stove is its power, which determines the speed of cooking. However, the higher the power of the device, the greater its power consumption, which means you should look for the optimal ratio of these indicators.


The average power of standard models of panels is from 1 to 9 kW. For the use of the stove in an apartment, it is recommended to choose a model with the lowest possible power level, since more powerful options require the installation of additional electrical wiring or special permission for their use.


Power of a standard four-burner stove


Induction hobs of different power can have a different number of burners. The most common – standard models are equipped, as a rule, with four:


– A large-diameter burner, up to 3 Kw;

– A pair of medium burners – up to 1.5 Kw;

– Burner of the smallest size – up to 1 kW.


How much does an induction cooktop consume?


The power of any hob model is directly related to the following main parameters:


– Amperage;

– The size of the burners and their number.


The most commonly used option is a four burner model with a high level of current, requiring, however, the presence in the apartment of electrical wiring that can withstand its power.


When buying an induction cooktop, its optimal parameters for your kitchen should be determined based not only on your preferences but also on the wishes of your whole family.


– Small-sized burners are suitable for cooking meat, cooking porridges, and potatoes. They cook slowly, and the food does not stick to them. The power of these burners is up to 1 kW;

– Medium-sized burners are suitable for cooking side dishes and soups. Their power is about 2 kW;

– Big-size burners, have a power of up to 3 kW and heat up to 500-degree temperature. They are used for large-volume cookware.


Induction hobs that have a different power consumption from the standard should have double burners, allowing you to make your own adjustments to the area and level of heating.


How to choose the right induction hob


An induction hob can have two to six burners of different sizes that allow you to adjust the level of current. Each of the burners can heat independently, allowing you to use different-sized cookware for cooking. Determining a sufficient number of burners for the panel can be based on the size of the kitchen and the composition of the family, in which it is purchased. So, for example, for a small room and a family consisting of two or three people, it is quite a suitable two-burner stove.


More powerful and expensive models of stoves have expanded functionality, allowing you to change the temperature, turn on and off the device using a remote or touch screen, and so on.


Power of induction stoves from different manufacturers


Let’s consider the distinctive features of panels from well-known manufacturers.


Electrolux – an originally designed panel of wide functionality, equipped with a reinforced ceramic surface. The working area of the stove does not have clearly marked heating zones, which allows placing the cookware on any area of its surface.


WOK –  has the possibility to set both minimum and maximum power levels on their cooking surface. Its distinctive features are the presence in the work area of small cavities, increasing the heat output of the device, and combined ceramic-induction coating of heating circuits.


So how much electricity is needed to operate an electric cooktop? For each induction cooktop, this figure is different. In general, all models of induction hobs, regardless of the country of manufacture and brand, are quite economical and easy-to-use devices, providing their owners with maximum comfort in cooking.


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