Microwave Sparks and Cracks

Of the breakdowns that cause a microwave oven to spark, the most common is that the microwave disperser – the mica plate – is burned or dirty. One of its sides goes directly into the oven chamber, and over time it settles fatty plaque and residues of cooking food. These contaminants, under the influence of […]

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Why is the LG refrigerator humming?

Throttle capillary tube clogging   Sometimes users are faced with the situation when the refrigerator cracks when working. This crackling is nothing but the result of a large pressure drop in the joints and transitions from a large to a small radius. The refrigerant that circulates in the system makes such loud noises. There is […]

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Refrigerator Repair: the nuances of work

Household appliances make life much easier for every busy person, but, unfortunately, they sometimes break down. And refrigerators are no exception. At one very unpleasant moment, the tried and tested “white friend” suddenly breaks down.   It is well if it has already served its time. But if the term of operation is far from […]

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Why the sub-zero refrigerator hum

Incorrect installation of the refrigerator is quickly eliminated. The compressor makes noise because of misalignment, it contacts the case, tubes, and metal parts and makes an unpleasant sound. More often happens when 1-2 legs of the base hang, the floor is deformed, there is vibration from the weak support, and the noise spreads from imbalance. […]

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What to look for when choosing a dishwasher?

When buying home appliances, all sorts of selection criteria are considered, from appearance to technical features and special options.   The choice of a dishwasher is based on a preliminary analysis of the market and the selection of models that meet the specific requirements of the user.   First of all, it is necessary to […]

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Installing your refrigerator with your own hands

Start with the inspection of the equipment after delivery. Print out the appliance, and check the integrity of the body, it may have been dented or scratched during transportation. Check the power cord and plug for damage. If you bought a No Frost refrigerator, do not plug it in right away. It must adjust to […]

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Why doesn’t the washing machine switch modes?

Washing program switching problems are an indication of a technical fault in the appliance. Parts break down due to short circuits, mechanical influences, poor water quality, and natural wear and tear.   If a certain washing program won’t switch, try selecting a different mode, such as rinse or spin. To rectify the problem, you must […]

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Adjusting the optimum temperature in your refrigerator

Properly adjusting the temperature in the refrigerator is important because different foods have the longest shelf life at different temperatures. It all depends on the product category, whether it is semi-finished goods or something fresh, meat, vegetables, cheeses or dairy products. Let’s take a closer look at what temperature to set in the fridge.   […]

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