Why is the LG refrigerator humming?

Throttle capillary tube clogging   Sometimes users are faced with the situation when the refrigerator cracks when working. This crackling is nothing but the result of a large pressure drop in the joints and transitions from a large to a small radius. The refrigerant that circulates in the system makes such loud noises. There is […]

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Refrigerator Repair: the nuances of work

Household appliances make life much easier for every busy person, but, unfortunately, they sometimes break down. And refrigerators are no exception. At one very unpleasant moment, the tried and tested “white friend” suddenly breaks down.   It is well if it has already served its time. But if the term of operation is far from […]

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The main causes of refrigerator malfunction

The most likely cause of why a refrigerator compressor warms up can be:   -Burnt or “stuck” starting relay; – Uninterrupted operation in the fast freezing mode; – imperfection of airtightness of refrigerating or freezing chambers; – Freon leakage; – Capillary channels clogging; – Software failures in the control module.   A damaged rubber seal […]

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What to do if the compressor does not work?

Periodic compressor shutdown is an absolute norm. During this time, the motor cools down, which allows you to extend its life and reduce energy consumption, and the refrigerator maintains the temperature due to the quality layer of thermal insulation in the walls and door. However, if the compressor does not work for more than an […]

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No Frost refrigerator crackle

No Frost chambers are designed slightly differently than compressor refrigerators. In No Frost, the cooled air inside the system is moved by a fan. If the chamber is not defrosted for a long time, the fan blades grow ice, and the refrigerator cracks violently when it is running. If the hostess has heard such a […]

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Why the sub-zero refrigerator hum

Incorrect installation of the refrigerator is quickly eliminated. The compressor makes noise because of misalignment, it contacts the case, tubes, and metal parts and makes an unpleasant sound. More often happens when 1-2 legs of the base hang, the floor is deformed, there is vibration from the weak support, and the noise spreads from imbalance. […]

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